We would really appreciate your help debugging the new mobile version of the forums. Now, when you visit the forums on your iPhone, iPad, Android etc., you should automatically see a mobile version of the site that makes it easier to access on the device you are using.
I'm sure there are still some bugs, so if you would take screenshots and post them, we can get the bugs fixed. Also, suggestions for improving the mobile skin would be appreciated. I will award 100,000 Karma for the best bug report or the best suggestion.
We would really appreciate your help debugging the new mobile version of the forums. Now, when you visit the forums on your iPhone, iPad, Android etc., you should automatically see a mobile version of the site that makes it easier to access on the device you are using.
I'm sure there are still some bugs, so if you would take screenshots and post them, we can get the bugs fixed. Also, suggestions for improving the mobile skin would be appreciated. I will award 100,000 Karma for the best bug report or the best suggestion.