"Hi SheHulk. Are you referring to anabolic steroids such as those used to bulk up muscles in weight-training and lifting? If so, I don't think that type of steroid is used for cancer treatment, but it's use may contribute to cancer formation. Remember Lyle Alzedo (sp?), the pro-football player? He died a few years ago of a malignant brain tumor which was brought on by his use of anabolic steroids to bulk up. Personally, I think AS's are very dangerous in other ways too. They can cause rage problems and general change in personality as well. We hear periodically of some high school or college athlete who has commited a crime of assault or murder who has been on AS's which has contributed to their rage. Best be careful if you are using them with your work-outs. Two of my sons are personal trainers and will not recommend AS's to their clients. If they find that a client is using AS's, they discontinue their training relationship with that person. There are too many risks. "
People like this are just too stupid to be reached. They are part of the flock of sheep that roam this planet believing all the propaganda the media feeds them. Too ignorant to go to a medical school library and read the literature to learn the real facts. Quite frankly, I think most 8th graders possess more factual information regarding steroids than the person that wrote this. Very sad indeed.
People like this are just too stupid to be reached. They are part of the flock of sheep that roam this planet believing all the propaganda the media feeds them. Too ignorant to go to a medical school library and read the literature to learn the real facts. Quite frankly, I think most 8th graders possess more factual information regarding steroids than the person that wrote this. Very sad indeed.