D-bol the "breakfast of champions". Only for men i would say. I did it for 14 days and stopped because of what was happening to my body. (sides!) Only cycle i have ever stopped before i planned. AAS have already given me (among other things) a voice like Kathleen Turner, dont want it even deeper. yikes!
Methandrostenolone/methandrodiene (d-bol) does convert to DHT via an enyzyme mostly in your skin and scalp. Will encourage male pattern baldness, oily skin, etc. If you do choose to use it, certainly only begin with 5mg ED. Cut it in half with a razor, AM/PM dosing as usual. Certainly no need at all for a woman to stack it with anything else. Use it by itself, even guys who are new to AAS can make good gains on D-bol alone.
The CNS affects (insomnia, irritablity, etc.) are cause in this case by too much T, synthetic (like d-bol) or real. Ja they are 17AA to survive the first pass through the liver as the liver gets first turn at everything coming throught the portal vein from the small intestine. However, D-bol is not quite so bad as wistrol on the liver and is as anabolic as ABOUT 50% higher dose of winstrol. (a good quality proper dosed brand i should say)
Yes it will almost certainly blow you up with water. It's aromatizing to E in your body so now you actually have even more E in you than off cycle. (like a 6-10 menses! ugh) You will not look good probably while using this drug but can gain a lot of muscle on small dosages in a rather small time.
My last comment: just be careful, and not quick to do it, and read about it as much as you can before you use it.
Methandrostenolone/methandrodiene (d-bol) does convert to DHT via an enyzyme mostly in your skin and scalp. Will encourage male pattern baldness, oily skin, etc. If you do choose to use it, certainly only begin with 5mg ED. Cut it in half with a razor, AM/PM dosing as usual. Certainly no need at all for a woman to stack it with anything else. Use it by itself, even guys who are new to AAS can make good gains on D-bol alone.
The CNS affects (insomnia, irritablity, etc.) are cause in this case by too much T, synthetic (like d-bol) or real. Ja they are 17AA to survive the first pass through the liver as the liver gets first turn at everything coming throught the portal vein from the small intestine. However, D-bol is not quite so bad as wistrol on the liver and is as anabolic as ABOUT 50% higher dose of winstrol. (a good quality proper dosed brand i should say)
Yes it will almost certainly blow you up with water. It's aromatizing to E in your body so now you actually have even more E in you than off cycle. (like a 6-10 menses! ugh) You will not look good probably while using this drug but can gain a lot of muscle on small dosages in a rather small time.
My last comment: just be careful, and not quick to do it, and read about it as much as you can before you use it.