Re: Mad Cow
Gambler said:
Could you post what you think a well planned/tapered d-bol only cycle would look like? (including post cycle therapy)
If using dbol alone and never using roids before I wound run a pyramid (no flames - keep reading). Pyramids are not the most efficient way to use steroids but utilizing one with dbol will give you some quick feedback on how your body is likely to respond to future cycles and dosage amounts. For instance many can gain great on 15-20mg's yet lots of guys advocate 30mg+ for newbs. A pyramid will allow you to find your sweet spot where you can gain well without using an excess of steroid. Using that for future reference, if you were able to gain well on 20mg of dbol alone, I'd say that 300mg of test or deca would also work well for you where some people might need 500mg of test to see good results. I'm of the conservative school where I like to make solid steady progress - if you are the meathead type that needs to have 25lbs. on your frame yesterday than just start at 30mg and seek some therapy as you probably have some issues.
A pyramid allows you to slowly ratchet up the dosage until you are at the point where good progress is being made. I found that I didn't need more than 20mg ED to see very solid results - 25mg worked better and 30mg was a bit of a waste for me.
Anyway so that would be the beginning -
Start with 15mg or 20mg depending upon your size (under 180 go with 15). Wait for 7 days and see the response. If needed up it another 5mg. Increases can be made every 5 days till you hone in. If you aren't seeing any results by 30mg ED then your roids are fake or you are doing everything possible wrong as dbol is relatively strong and I haven't met any newbie that didn't gain well on that dosage. I'd imagine 20-25mg will be the right spot for most guys.
Now that clomid is out (it wasn't used in the old days nor have I ever used it with a dbol cycle) this changes my traditional taper a bit.
lets say using 25mg and then coming down to zero without clomid:
From 10mg and on I'd dose it all in the AM. Basically, most of the water would be gone by the 5mg point and strength would stay the same. I'd run 4-6 weeks with no problems and little losses afterward even out to 6 months off. With experience you can customize it - shorter cycles had shorter tapers etc..
With clomid that obviously changes things a bit. I haven't done any experimentation (did enough before and was happy with my results). Most guys seem to drop from 30mg or 25mg and lose a significant amount. I'd taper to at least 15mg slowly with all morning dosings. Maybe down to 10mg. Then begin clomid. To be honest, if I was to run the cycle now - I'd probably use the above and then do clomid afterward. 5 days isn't crippling your gains or recovery and HPTA should be beginning to come back or let's say be less supressed as the amounts in your system are decreased to a point where your body isn't always at max levels. I've just never seen anybody have a problem with this method yet everybody on EF with their 30mg ED to clomid seems to really suffer.
Obviously training volume is paired down post cycle and core lifts are focused on until recovery is near complete (4 weeks generally for me). Assistance work should be light or focused on core weakness areas that were targeted during the cycle. I could write forever on that.
My thoughts anyway.