New member
SB - first, as much as I'm sure your husband knows, please make sure that as you come across things on this site or others or anything else your husband mentions regarding things you put into your body, educate yourself first. You NEEEDDDDDD to know what it is that you are putting into your body. What guys take doesn't necessarily affect women in the same way. A popular first stab at a "supplemented" diet is clen / t3. T3 is a thyroid drug that is a controlled substance. There's lots of discussion about how T3 can screw up your thyroid and lots of suggested cycles to take it with. Personally I don't see the point of it. You will get so much better & more predictable results with good, clean, consistent diet & training. (Ref: Daisy's statement above. I also dropped 18 lbs & 8% bodyfat in prep for a bodybuilding show in 4 months on a completely natural diet & training schedule.)
What is your current dosage on the clen & T3?
What is your current dosage on the clen & T3?