She isn't done with the cycle yet. She has 4 weeks left on the cycle. She'll be cutting her calories in prepartation for dieting. She feels fat right now so I doubt I'll get a picture out of her. Maybe a few weeks into her dieting she'll give one up though. Test prop was her last test cycle actually. You've seen those pics already though. Right now she's trying out enanthate...
ok thanks Did she like the prop? How did her strength increase? What's her enanthate dosage? Any strength increases from that? What about sides? Sorry for all the ???? but she seems to have tried many things and I am looking for all the info I can get. I know each woman will respond differently but I still want actual experiences.
Gains have been moderate on test. Her dosages have been within the 60mg/week range for bot of the tests. Overall she still likes anavar the best. She has gotten alot stronger on test than anything else. For example she does seated dumbell presses with 50lb dumbells for 4-5 reps now and squats 225lbs for 8-10 reps. Sides haven't been that noticeable. Primo has been alot harsher on her than test has. Hope I covered everything. If you have any more questions just ask...