Winstrol isn't the "choice" AS- the sides can be unpredictable, i.e. the side will vary from woman to woman. Of all the choices, anavar is considered the "safest", as in the least sides, while still providing good, sustainable results. It is also less androgenic than winstrol & easier on the liver.
Cycle duration - I think you will probably find a typical cycle will run about 12 weeks. If you are in training for a competition, this may vary, and also may depend on if you are stacking with other AS. Generally for women, the best results (excluding training for a competition when you have a schedule on which to get your results) when using AS is to keep the dosage low & run the cycle longer. There is no reason for women to jack up the dosage as guys can because the results will probably become too androgenic (and can be irreversible). Also because women don't worry about the estrogenic effects of steroids as men do and also don't have to worry about having their natural testosterone lowered as men do, there is not a problem with running a longer cycle than men would. As far as time between cycles, its probably a good idea to take some time off between cycles to let your body recover and adjust itself back to its normal processes.
I'm not sure if the specific question you are asking is 'how to cycle clen & winstrol'? Basically I think you can cycle clen & any AS anyway you want. There is no dependence or interaction between AS & clen. You probably don't want to mix clen & another thermogenic at the same time.
What are your goals & expectations from a cycle?