27 years old, weight 195, and height 5'9
Morning guys I need your guys recommendation since
I'm entering the most important cycle and semester of my life in college, my last cycle was 500mg of test c and that was a month and a half ago that went pretty good, in 3 weeks I will be starting my new cycle which will be 250mg of tren and 400mg of test c I'm about to start college in August and is mostly an all girl school and I want to blow up so I can look like a snack I made it my goal to lose 25 pounds so I can enter this new cycle not over weight and I achieved that, I'm stuck between 200mg of tren or 250mg tren will I see any difference with that 50mg bump ?
This is the most important semester of my life so that's why I'm asking y'all what you guys think
I'm a pretty chill guy so having mood changes on steroids doesn't effect me
Also diet and working out isn't a problem bcs I put in the grind