I wouldn't cut after a cycle. Depletion can fuck your hormones even more if you choose the cycling route, that's something you wanna avoid in between cycle. Just cut on gear
Ah ok, Dually noted, I guess this layer of fat will have to stay for a bit longer than lol
Would it be detrimental to hop right back on a cycle? I feel good, high libido, good mood, balls are nice and plump, no real moodiness with the PCT. Running a standard pct Clomid, nolva, an AI and HCGenerate.
I ran 500mg of test E for 3 months with 40 mg DBOL a day for the first four weeks.
Gonna go in for blood test next week, get the whole works done. If all is well I'll hop back on test in about month.
I ran 500mg of test E for 3 months with 40 mg DBOL a day for the first four weeks.
Gonna go in for blood test next week, get the whole works done. If all is well I'll hop back on test in about month.