John McLane
New member
Finished a cut 8 weeks ago, going on holiday July 1st. Im still lean, probably about 12-13% b/f, 5"7', 44 years old. Used Anavar/Winny/Test Cyp. Relaxed my diet a bit, but I still do cardio twice a week - 15 mins of HIT per session. Im at 170lbs now which is very low for me.....strangely, even though I have increased cals and cut the cardio a by the half, I haven't gained any weight - I guess this is because my natural test level is low, but I have had a much better PCT this time around than in the past, and I feel reasonably horny. So my question is - its too soon to go back on gear so I will have to do it natural - will have to be careful I don't loose too much mass......shall I get on with it and carb up every 5 days? Aiming to start May 1st. At a leaner starting point than I was when I started my prev cut because I've stayed leaner.