ok, my suggestion is to rise the proteins something like this...
1st meal:
4 boiled eggs, milk (skim), oatmeal, 1tsp olive oil, whey protein
2nd meal:
1 can tuna or 6oz meat, whey protein + 1/2 turkey sandwich
3rd meal:
two chicken tights + whey protein + veggies
4th meal:
whey protein + 1can tuna or 6oz meat + 1/2 turkey sandwich
5th meal:
$.99 burger from jack in the crack
6th meal:
eggs or chicken, milk (skim), veggies
I added more protein simply because you don't want to loose muscle... also drink 3-5 liters of water per day. I left the 5th meal the same because you said that is the only meal that you can't prepare. I sustitute the rice for veggies because at night we don't use complex carbs (rice, potato, pasta) readily... and when you don't use carbs readily most convert into fat.
Usually people respond just by avoiding food that contains fat such as cheese, non-skim milk, doritos and stuff. I took out the burrito because of the tortilla (assuming its flour tortilla). When coming to cutting diets there is a kind of sacrifice because one need to say no to food that we like.
I hope this helps and if you have any question feel free to ask me.