New member
This would be my question for lift2live, who can obviously read and spell, but has zero experience from the way he sounds. Benefits of HCG on cycle. Keep natural levels from being suppressed while adding exogenous hormone. Do you not think less suppression equals faster recovery? And then there is this whole ester thing that he doesn't seem to understand. Then he smarts off at me and others but I am the dick. Guy sounds like another little douche bag that use to be here and couldn't get along or debate with others that disagreed with him. This young brother's cycle is a good clean run. The only gains made on prolonged cycles are to keep either adding or switching the compounds or increasing the doseages. But what do i know I only bench press this lil turds squat max for reps. Boy is gonna waste a lot of gear and get very little gains from being hard headed. But hey I use to be dumb too.
Hcg does not prevent natural suppression the moment you inject testosterone your natural production is shut down. Hcg is only good for keeping your balls plump. Which even then in most cases there is no atrophe depending on the person so there is no benefit to hcg ON cycle. I do agree you use it for the last week of injections and into pct to aid in the restart.
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