Steel, You are WAY over thinking! Which is stressing you (catabolic) and the stress is making you cry. Ya know, your performance is not going to alter the outcome of the world peace process. Lighten up.
I know people want answers and bodybuilding lately has become so (psuedo) scientific. The bottom line is this; The body is a constant state of flux and there's no way of knowing how it's going to react to any given stimuli. This is why pros even come in looking off. There are simply too many variables (bio rhythms, etc), and trying to figure them all out... it'll...well, it'll make you cry.
Don't get me started on traiers and certification courses. They're clueless -- even the "big shot" celebrity tainers. In fact, they're the most full of shit of them all in some ways.
You see, the body is a primitive mechanism designed for adaptation and there's no way of knowing exactly how it will respond. Besides, if another competitor took more drugs or has better genetics they will beat you, no matter how crazy you drive yourself. Now I know this isn't what you want to hear, but that's the truth.
Just go and have some fun with it. If you aren't perfect, everyone will live. Get on with your life. There's a lot more to it, than a 90 second posing routine.
Steel, You are WAY over thinking! Which is stressing you (catabolic) and the stress is making you cry. Ya know, your performance is not going to alter the outcome of the world peace process. Lighten up.
I know people want answers and bodybuilding lately has become so (psuedo) scientific. The bottom line is this; The body is a constant state of flux and there's no way of knowing how it's going to react to any given stimuli. This is why pros even come in looking off. There are simply too many variables (bio rhythms, etc), and trying to figure them all out... it'll...well, it'll make you cry.
Don't get me started on traiers and certification courses. They're clueless -- even the "big shot" celebrity tainers. In fact, they're the most full of shit of them all in some ways.
You see, the body is a primitive mechanism designed for adaptation and there's no way of knowing exactly how it will respond. Besides, if another competitor took more drugs or has better genetics they will beat you, no matter how crazy you drive yourself. Now I know this isn't what you want to hear, but that's the truth.
Just go and have some fun with it. If you aren't perfect, everyone will live. Get on with your life. There's a lot more to it, than a 90 second posing routine.