George already told me that I can't be a mod until I change my name. It is too abrasive for new cummers. I have not decided what my new user name will be.
Tell the truth, the shock value has worn off from it anyhow.
i have a idea about your name. it's obvious your proud of being gay, and want everyone to know it, so just make your handle a normal name. then in your signature right something like: I'm queer, i like plunging my dick in men's assholes because i like shit on my dick, it smells great, and i'm like a fucking retarded dog that doesn't know the difference between male and female, probably because i have a chemical problem in my brain. good idea huh?
Then how come all the people on Queer ass Folk are all skinny little people? I'd have to say that 50% of the people that I saw on the one block walk I had were jacked... but 100% of the gay people I see on TV are Will and Grace?
Because they are either straight actors or bisexuals ones. Also, TV producers won't put a jacked gay male on tv because it will send the heteros running into the street in a self induced insecurity hizzy fit. They have a stereo type to uphold. What comes to mind when you think of gay male? Will off Will and Grace or Bob Paris? So you see the quandry of TV producers and writers.
Want to see what true gay males look like? Hit FTL or South Beach, Spain, or Southern Decadance in New Orleans. You won't see anything BUT jacked bros.