Get a George Foreman grill to cook up chicken and other lean meats. We weren't allowed to have them, I did anyway and stashed it in my closet when I wasn't using it. My grocery store sells meat in shrink-wrapped packaging that stays good in the fridge longer than the regular stuff, but you go through it so fast anyway it might not be a big deal. Keep some cottage cheese in your fridge. All the dorms where I went also had full kitchens on each floor, people kept stuff in there and respected each other's things, so I would cook some egg whites in there on occasion.
Some schools are actually very good about having healthy food. (Others, however, are AWFUL!) Where I went, egg whites were ALWAYS an option at breakfast in the dining halls, and I always smuggled some hard boiled eggs and stashed them in my mini fridge upstairs in my room for a snack later on. Whole wheat breads, oatmeals, etc. were also always an option at any time of day. There was also an a-la-carte location that made fresh, made-to-order chicken breasts, a dining hall that served thanksgiving-style turkey on Tues/Thurs nights, etc. FINDING good food wasn't hard once I knew what was served where on what days/'s less convenient in the long run because you have to run across campus instead of eating at whatever location is closest, but it's what you gotta do.
Also, a lot of campuses have varsity athletes all living in the same general area. Find where that is and check out the dining hall there. (Or the closest place to the athletes training facilities). You may find "better" food there.