Hehehehe, you forgot to mention all sorts of plastic surgery. Implants, liposuction, rib removal blah blah blah. Personally I don't mind a world full of jacked looking couch potatoes. All I know is that they'll never have as much fun as me out there enjoying all the hiking, climbing, skiing, etc.... that "earned" muscles, tendons, ligaments and cardio vascular fitness allows me to enjoy, not to mention the benefits to bone density and the immune system, psychological well being and personality development. If you add in the feeling of accomplishment that comes from goal settiing, hard work and 'knowing your body' that SteelWeaver wrote about recently, you'll find that these couch potatoes will be just as impoverished as they've always been. They'll just be less un-appealling to look at when they're lying on the beach, and that's gotta be good for everyone.