Beta2-Agonist Metered Dose Inhaler Overuse: Psychological and Demographic Profiles
To identify psychological and demographic correlates of children and adolescents known to overuse beta2-agonist metered dose inhalers (beta-MDIs).
During residential care for severe asthma, demographic and psychological characteristics of 17 children and adolescents known to be beta-MDI overusers were compared with 38 asthmatic subjects of similar age without such history.
Beta-MDI overuse occurred among all groups; however, males, minorities, and those from lower socioeconomic groups were overrepresented. Overusers scored significantly lower on standardized IQ tests. Subtests of arithmetic for numeric reasoning, comprehension for understanding of social values, and picture completion for visual attention to detail were also significantly lower in beta-MDI overusers, as were reading achievement tests. Testing also revealed tendencies toward dominant, shrewd, and undisciplined personality traits in the overusers.
Recognition of these characteristics of children prone to beta-MDI overuse will raise the clinician's awareness of this potential. Greater efforts and alternative approaches toward education and treatment of the at-risk patient and family are indicated.
(Pediatrics 1997;99:40-43)
(1997;99:40-43) Janet L. Beausoleil et al and Stephen J. McGeady, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Allergy and Immunology, 909 Walnut St, Suite 240, Philadelphia, PA 19107
He he, don't go nuts on that clen now
To identify psychological and demographic correlates of children and adolescents known to overuse beta2-agonist metered dose inhalers (beta-MDIs).
During residential care for severe asthma, demographic and psychological characteristics of 17 children and adolescents known to be beta-MDI overusers were compared with 38 asthmatic subjects of similar age without such history.
Beta-MDI overuse occurred among all groups; however, males, minorities, and those from lower socioeconomic groups were overrepresented. Overusers scored significantly lower on standardized IQ tests. Subtests of arithmetic for numeric reasoning, comprehension for understanding of social values, and picture completion for visual attention to detail were also significantly lower in beta-MDI overusers, as were reading achievement tests. Testing also revealed tendencies toward dominant, shrewd, and undisciplined personality traits in the overusers.
Recognition of these characteristics of children prone to beta-MDI overuse will raise the clinician's awareness of this potential. Greater efforts and alternative approaches toward education and treatment of the at-risk patient and family are indicated.
(Pediatrics 1997;99:40-43)
(1997;99:40-43) Janet L. Beausoleil et al and Stephen J. McGeady, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Allergy and Immunology, 909 Walnut St, Suite 240, Philadelphia, PA 19107
He he, don't go nuts on that clen now