She needs to get a refund on the Weight Watchers and come in here to learn how to eat. It's very simple - can be a little boring as far as foods go, but simple, whole foods.
1 1/2 hours of cardio is too much. Most women don't understand why - another reason for her to be here.
Clen.....she shouldn't touch it. She doesn't know how to eat or exercise yet. 5' 8" and 210 lbs is obese. She can loose 90% of her fat with diet alone.
Please send her in
1 1/2 hours of cardio is too much. Most women don't understand why - another reason for her to be here.
Clen.....she shouldn't touch it. She doesn't know how to eat or exercise yet. 5' 8" and 210 lbs is obese. She can loose 90% of her fat with diet alone.
Please send her in