I dig it man. Just got off a 11 wk CKD. Stopped May 1st.
I did the diet via Mr.X's sticky, and simplified it a little when I found out what worked for me.
I lost fat consistantly and easily (which normally doesnt happen).
After I got into ketosis, I was never hungry. I felt a little weird and sluggish the first week, but after that I felt great.
I did about 12xbw= daily cals.
Fat g / Protein g ratios were around 50/50 or 60/40.
Carb up was after depletion workout Friday evening (about 5:00-5:30 pm) until bedtime Saturday. about 12xbw + 30% for total Carb up cals for Saturday. I was usually a little under, which turned out to be good.
All in all, I thought it was great. I'll probably do it for 4-8wks again in June to see how far below 10% bf I can get.
---Best of luck to ya!