I, like most men in the US, am circumcised.
I wish I wasn't. I wish I was left the way nature made me. With all my nerve endings in tact.
I think circumcision should be banned actually. Its a choice the child has no say in. It used to be done for religious reasons, then for cultural reasons, and its just plain wrong in my opinion.
Anyone else have any thoughts on this?
Can anyone give any GOOD reasons to circumcise a boy?
Hygeine? Guess what, we have soap and can wash.
Looks? What a stupid fucking reason to cut off part of a person's penis. Are we that shallow?
Urinary tract infections? Circumcision reduces that risk by less then 1%
I just don't get it. Most of the entire world doesn't do this. In Canada less then 20% of males get circumcised...
We are adamantly against female circumcision, we call it mutilation, why do it to guys?
I don't blame my parents, they just did what they felt was right, but I really wish they would have made a different decision.