Its to prevent them from having a reason to cheat on their husbands. These are done in the most brutal and oppresive societies that subjugate women and treat them like cattle with little or no rights. The same cultures that also have honor killings where if the female of the family goes astray it is to the honor of the family to have her brothers, father, uncles, cousins kill her to maintain honor. The sociological differences alone involved with female mutilation are enormous. I cannot believe Lestat that you are being intellectually honest about comparing the two. I mean, cmon, really, so you like foreskins. But do you actually know what is wholistically involved with what you are comparing and contrasting, I know you do. I think that you are arguing folly but Id be interested to see you make those comparisons. Trust me, you cannot win that debate, but itd be a spirited exercise in reason if youd like. Im in an unusual mood as of late.