I know you're just joking but they were definitely his kittens. He lived up to his name, too, he sired a LOT of kittens in that area.
Oh, and cats don't do the mounting/dominance thing like dogs do. Cats show dominance by seemingly beating the hell out of each other (they generally don't get wounded, only toms fighting for females commonly do that). The fight ends with one cat literally looming over the other one, which is crouched down as far as it can doing a slow blink. In the cat world, height = dominant position, eyes closed means "chill."
If you have cats that aren't getting along, particularly if one keeps picking on another, the easiest way to break the potential fight up and to actually give the one that's being victimized some status is to put the victim way up high, like on a refrigerator or something. Instantly changes the dynamic.