Sorry Feedz, I don't want you to feel dumped on but i can't help but respond.
For one, this should be a matter of common sense. In Genesis 2 God puts Adam to sleep and creates Eve from his own body and brings her to Adam. Jesus confirms the divine institution of man and woman in marriage when questioned by the pharisees about divorce. And the remainder of scripture is clear in that sexual conduct outside of that boundarie is sin. Period. I have read your explanation in other's writings and entertaining as it is, that's an awfully long end run to try and get God's approval of their own desire. Same gender sex is no more or less wrong than hetero sex outside of marriage. Its the way God set it up from the beginning.
Next, your statement above missed the mark badly. Paul's comments are by way of trying to give great emphasis to just how far mankind could fall to depravity in their sin. So far did they fall that they fell into "vile affections"...Paul admonishes us to flee fornications. In 1Cor 7:2 he emphasizes God's standard again, 'let each man have his own wife and each woman her own husband.' Again, the teaching of scripture is clear. God ordained sex between a man and a woman inside the bounds of marriage. The clear message of the bible is seen from start to finish.