The Shadow
It's like DHT causing hair loss in men.
Once the DHT is removed - hair regrowth is never 100%.
Increased hair growth in women never seems to go back to presteriod use either.
I'm not saying that it wont go back to nornal size - Im just saying that I have never seen it happen...there is a difference, and its a big one, between sweling and actual growth(as measured by length etc).
Swelling only will most likely go away
GROWTH will not....its a physical change that will not revert to pregrowth appearance.
Think of cooking an egg.....while it s physical change - its also a chemical one - ie - you cant unscramble an egg
Once the DHT is removed - hair regrowth is never 100%.
Increased hair growth in women never seems to go back to presteriod use either.
I'm not saying that it wont go back to nornal size - Im just saying that I have never seen it happen...there is a difference, and its a big one, between sweling and actual growth(as measured by length etc).
Swelling only will most likely go away
GROWTH will not....its a physical change that will not revert to pregrowth appearance.
Think of cooking an egg.....while it s physical change - its also a chemical one - ie - you cant unscramble an egg