OK great Cornholiness, master of all acids that are alpha lipoic, riddle me this...
My trainer has me on the following schedule w/ meals & training:
7 AM cardio - 1 hr, empty stomach
8 AM - meal 1 - 5-6 egg whites, 1/2 c oatmeal, kiwi
11 AM - meal 2 - chicken, veggies, sweet potatoe/brown rice
2 PM - meal 3 - steak, veggies
5 PM - meal 4 - chicekn, vegies
6 PM - train (1 hr) + cardio (30 min)
9-ish PM - meal 5 - steak, vegies
Don't know all the reasoning behind that diet, but that's the plan. Totals about 2000 cal.
I'm 15 weeks out from a show. Cardio/training occur 5 days on , 1 day off. I'm weighing in at 150, ~ 17-18% bf right now. (Target: 135, 6% bf)
When do I take ALA, how much?
According to the above, at the following times:
- after 7 AM cardio/with meal 1 - 200 mg ALA
- with meal 2 - 200 mg ALA
- after 6 PM training + cardio - 200 mg ALA
For a total of about 600 mg / day (carbs are about 150/day)?
I should prob start carb rotating again... but that's another thread.
My schedule sort of blows the concept of most of the carbs after training.