Cardio makes the heart grow bigger? That's a stretch. But regarding cardio on or off steroids, I believe it's an effective and potentially injurous activity and there are far better methods of improving heart health, but others disagree.
That is one of the stupidest remarks I have ever heard.The best looking shape I got into in my life was when doing AS and Cardio 2-3 times a day.Now is a different story I'm just getting back into the game and I'm just getting into the routine of the weights again I personaly am putting a little hold on Cardio...
How would you define cardio percisely? Do you mean specifically elevating your heart rate to the target range (for me is 152), and maintaining that for long periods of time.. (for example - 30-45 minutes)? That is very hard.
i agree with nelson montana,
iv'e read his article in the august 2003 edition of MuscleMag and it gives good back up points of why you shouldnt do cardio.......
Cardio makes the heart grow bigger? That's a stretch. But regarding cardio on or off steroids, I believe it's an effective and potentially injurous activity and there are far better methods of improving heart health, but others disagree.