you're vegetarian
interesting and challenging
you can get your complex carbs at home
beans (kidney, black beans, garbonzos, etc...) toss em on a salad with lemon and good olive oil
or if you family does not add margarine or other trans fat to em you can eat em
if your family eats brown rice or wild rice you can have that
sweet potatoes are the yellowish orange fleshed ones and taste
sorry could not help myself
you can eat at home
buy cottage cheese, protien shakes, canned tuna, canned chicken and canned turkey
be careful with deli meats lots have sugar added
essentially stay away from anything refined
if it says "white" don't go near it
lots of grains you can eat that when combined with legumes and or dairy form complete protiens
and what's wrong with hard boiled eggs?
are you not allowed to cook at home or lazy?
or do you not know how to cook?
if the latter is the case message me or email me and i can give you tips
i cook for a living
and cook clean for myself lots
also add some peanut butter or almond butter or macadamia butter to things i am sure some of that is around
i was vegan for 7 years
talk to your family and let them know your goals
try to make a compromise
get alittle refrigerator for your room to keep your meats and stuff if it offends them that much