rapid weight gain would probably leave you with results like 1 lb fat/ 1 lb muscle. if you eat clean with a lot of protein and ingest a lot of healthy fats like Omega 3 then you can avoid the gut.
Generally you need to put on fat in order to gain muscle mass I forget the ratio off the top of my head but if i remember right its something like 2lbs of fat to every 1lb of muscle. This is exactly why people do diet cycles, bulk up get more muscle and fatter, then cutting lose that fat with out losing muscle. If you work really hard you can put muscle on with no fat if any thing get leaner but the gains are REALLY slow but thats the way Im going.
I consider it this way... Spend 4 months bulking like crazy and you may gain 5lbs of muscle and 7lbs of fat (assuming you're relatively new, and far from your genetic ceiling). You'll then spend another 1-2 months or so shedding the fat you gained. Spend 5 months bulking with an excessively clean diet and you may put on those 5lbs of muscle without gaining much fat.
If you hate dieting as much as I do - then cut and bulk cycles make less sense - especially when you're a noob or an intermediate.
Wether you want to get huge or just loose your gut, you should be taking in at least 1g protein per 1lb body weight. I gain muscle when cutting.... lean muscle =)
yeah as stated above, if you bulking you gonna put on some fat as the fat helps you to build muscle, but eating clean the fat wont be so much unless you just eating whatever. Keep it clean and you should remain lean.