Calling a woman a cunt, posting nasty pics, anything that demeans someones race, religon, sexual pref. will be edited and/or deleted....I'm not the final judge, nor do I claim to be....
But, coming from someone who has been around a few months...Your comments are a bit funny Darl'in....and I've been cussed by the best in the world(Ranger RI's) so sticks and stones....heh heh heh
Bottom line, I like this chat board...there are some funny people on here...some of SG's pics are funny as hell...some are borderline tastless, jokes here are great, small personal feuds good at times too...But when it becomes a personal attack with vulgar descriptions...the line has been crossed....
As for those who get banned...only elite admin have that option...they can view every post by that person, then make a choice on their account.....
And Matt is far better at words than I am....
Isn't he a sweet-heart....heh heh heh....Hard to believe we're cut from the same Military cloth....Of course, I'll bet he drove a jeep for some big brass officer....
heh heh heh....It's all good in the end Darl'in...