New member
Okay, so first and foremost, I'm a female. (I'm guessing that has something to do with how fast I gain muscle overall) I've been lifting non-stop for a little over a year and have made solid gains. I didn't pay much attention to my diet and I don't know how I made it, but when I became much more serious about BB, I got it all. The fact is, I'm an ectomorph. I was sick a while ago and I'm sure I lost some muscle due to not eating nearly enough ( I can tell by the image in the mirror, not the scale) It's depressing cuz I worked so hard for it. I lost 4lbs, all of which I got back now, or at least the better part of it, but my size has not returned
It's been almost two months since I'm bulking (thus I'm constantly bloated) So, am i back to square one because of a little less than two weeks of not eating properly? Will the size take as long to get back as it did the first time? I lift heavy, I follow a program and I'm pretty dedicated. My lifts, however, have NOT gone down - in fact I'm now squatting free weight 120lbs! (5'2, 114) I'm losing my motivation :/