I use a spread sheet, the most time consuming part was building the data base. The database I use is basically a list of all the foods I eat, it contains all the nutritional info per serving. I only keep track of total cals, macros (protein, fat, and carbs) and fiber. Maintaining the database is easy since I just add one or two items here and there as new things find their way into my diet.
I set up fields where I enter calories per day, macro %, meals per day for each macro and it tells me how much of each item (in either grams or oz) I should be consuming. Say I need 35g of protein per meal, it tells me how many oz of chicken I should eat to get that. I keep a workbook which has a separate page for each day of the week and the database, to log through out the week, one workbook per week. Each page has a section that adds all the cals, and even tells me the percentages of each macro consumed.
So say I ate chicken and brown rice, I would go to the database, highlight and copy all the info for chicken and paste it on Day1 page (monday), then the same for the rice.