Thanks! I'll tell her - I just saw this and know that shw's always looking for something she can take for enery & focus that is OK with her high bp. When I get mine she'll probably be able to look at the ingredients and know. Also thanks for the regimen - I'm printing now and will anxiously await my shipment - and I just went back to your site and ordered the Amplify 02 too - excuse my ignorance but what do you mean "styles", just the different desired result? Also, when? with my bulking cycle or after with PCT or after PCT? Thanks - I appreciate your help!
OMEGA said:Hi
1)Please have your wife consult her Doctor First.
2) use "styles" with the LIPOFLAME + Amplify02 Stack
Lean Bulker
Amplify02 Pre Lift
( LIPOFLAME in the Lean Bulker will keep the Fat off without over stimulating you and down regulated the response to focus and stim products for workouts)
Full dose of LIPOFLAME in the AM
Amplify02 for Afternoon Lifitng session
(no other Fat burning products will be needed do to the Extraordinary Fat burning of the Amplify02 + LIPOFLAME Stack)
Combo of "Mix And Matching" both LIPOFLAME and Amplify02
Afternoon Lifting 5-7 Amplify02 with 2-3 LIPOFLAME
3 LIPOFLAME usage alone:
Dosage Recommendations:
Usage A: LIPOFLAME as a Workout Enhancement Aid and Rapid Fat Burner
5-8 capsules, with at least 30 ounces of water, 45 minutes before Cardio or Endurance training. Stay hydrated while working out.
Usage B: LIPOFLAME as a mild yet powerful thermogenic, appetite controller, safe metabolism increaser and mood elevator.
3 caps in the morning
3 caps midday