I have a slow metabolism. Its not worthy of thyroid hormone treatment, but its on the low end of normal. When I wasn't workout out, I couldn't eat what most people do and not put on fat. That's not the only reason I once got up to 325 pounds (I also didn't do shit), but it has something to do with it. I've spent about a year cutting from that to 225, so I've never eaten to bulk. But soon I'm going to start bulking. My next cycle is either going to be strength oriented, or mass oriented.
Given my history, when I hear about people eating 5-6K calories on here, while bulking on gear... I wonder if the is feasible for me. Even on a boat load of test, it seems like I'd pack on lots of fat that way.
Can anyone with a slow metabolism recommend what they've found a good caloric level to be? Obviously everyone must find this for themselves... but I'd like to hear some bro's experience as a guideline. Where is the point of diminishing returns, where more calories (I'm assuming GOBS of protein, no matter what) result in more fat gain than muscle gain?
Ideally, I just want lean gains. I know I can't have that. It just took so long to cut that much fat, and I don't wanna do much cutting ever again.
So slow metabolism/former fat fuckers: how much do you bulk on?
Given my history, when I hear about people eating 5-6K calories on here, while bulking on gear... I wonder if the is feasible for me. Even on a boat load of test, it seems like I'd pack on lots of fat that way.
Can anyone with a slow metabolism recommend what they've found a good caloric level to be? Obviously everyone must find this for themselves... but I'd like to hear some bro's experience as a guideline. Where is the point of diminishing returns, where more calories (I'm assuming GOBS of protein, no matter what) result in more fat gain than muscle gain?
Ideally, I just want lean gains. I know I can't have that. It just took so long to cut that much fat, and I don't wanna do much cutting ever again.
So slow metabolism/former fat fuckers: how much do you bulk on?