Test/deca/dbol is a classic so I dont think anything really changed
500mgs of testosterone
400mgs deca durabolin
50mgs dbol
12.5mgs aromasin EOD
7 caps n2guard
3 caps cardazol preworkout
What are your goals bro?
First get bloods to start.
Note that this cycle WILL NOT give you liver failure, heart attack, stroke nor will it kill you, just saying.
If you are in good health and eat a healthy diet, as in 80% clean or more and bloods are good, you are good to start.
If you are going for the bodybuilder look, which I would assume you are, I would recommend you run 3 injectable compounds and throwing in the oral is fine.
Run your cycle 9 months on, 3 months off.
This is what my coach recommends and what I do myself with 0 issues.
750mg Test/week
750mg Deca/week
600-1000mg Eq/week
25mg Aromasin/day
.25mg Prami/every other night
I wouldn't waste the money on the n2guard (no offence to anyone, much respect) or the cardazol.
As for the oral, go Anadrol not Dbol, that aromatizes way to much, and run it at 100mg/day from day 1 and do that for 8 weeks.
No need for Nolva but always have some Ai's on hand such as Letro, Aromasin or Arimidex, also your prami or caber and some Nolva.
You will need to come off the oral afterwards for 8 weeks then get blood work.
If everything is well, you can add it back in or not up to you.
You are going to shut yourself down regardless of the dose, so you might as well make the gains you want and run the gear at good doses and for the proper amount of time.
No point doing a short ass cycle 12-16 weeks, when things are going their best and the gains are at the highest, just to come off, thats counter productive and no bodybuilder is doing that.
If you are not lean right now, I would highly recommend getting yourself to 12-13% bf before starting the cycle so that you can remain lean while slowing upping the cals by 100 every 1-2 weeks or so depending on the mirror.
You want to be able to see abs at all times or you are eating too much food or need to up the cardio.
It took me only 7 weeks running 500 test/500 deca/600eq/100mg Anadrol/day to get shredded, the I upped the doses as shown above on weeks 8 for my bulk.
You have to cut, bulk, mini cut, bulk and keep doing that until you achieve your goals.