Ah men, you really can be a pain in the ass.
I've had boobs since the sixth grade and let me tell you I have yet to meet a man that does not check out the twins as often and as long as my face.
You're damned either way - if your small, you'll be wanting
enhancements, if you're bigger you'll spend waay too much time worry about
Breasts can be a huge pain in the ass.
You're judged, demeaned, summed up and down (even more by other women), and you must smoosh them into uncomfortable contraptions just to leave the house and avoid the nasty effects of gravity.
Damn, I've lost the point of this post entirely - I hate that.
I'd love to see a guy have to deal with a pair of C/D's for a day. Try running in them, bending over a desk to look at files, have other men very content on giving you a
friendly hug hello (friendly my ass), oh and try dealing with when they're all tender and swollen.
We'll just see who is the weaker sex, won't we.
Reminder - this post was all in good fun.
I like my boobies, we have a nice relationship.