I really think it depends on how a person trains. I go way out of my way to eat well, protect my joints, prevent muscle strain, train for chaos recovery, etc...
I hope I can lift in the Masters someday, but honestly I don't care. I'm alive right now, and I don't know if I will be here next week. So I'm gonna hit it while I can.
This is gonna sound like a bowflex commercial but on all seriouseness, I am 33 yrs old and I am stronger, leaner and bigger than I ever was. Like a fine bottle of Cab.
Its an intersting point to raise, but for me i dont really care. I know i will be healthier in my old age than those who do no type of training. I eat well, and take good care of my body, in the long run it will pay off
I would have to say powerlifting. it allows you to compete in the iron game while not worrying about bodyfat, thick waists, lack of calf development, etc. All about the numbers, not looks. Plenty of folks in their 30s and 40s putting up some serious numbers. I personally have NO interest in getting on a stage in posing trunks again (thank goodness!) but I will compete again in pling once my injury fully heals.
Yep. His name's Sonny. Check any federation, they all have Sub masters and masters numbers and regular competitors. Just because you haven't heard about them doesn't mean they don't exist.
...and this is just one small meet in Oklahoma! Jim Gorrell's dad (who is standing right behind Sonny in the grey Tee-shirt) competes too, and he and I were neck and neck through my first meet, with a total well over 1000, and he's in the masters.