Well.... Since she never picks up anything, moves anything, puts anything away. I think I woulda found that bad boy by now... Besides the trailer only has one drowwwwer. So the only thing in there right now is some lube and my glass eye, oh and my balls she keeps in a bowling bag. (the bottom fell out a while back so it's a BIG drowwwwwer.)
So as to answer your question, Yeah I hit it, and where and how long is private, But she ain't got no after market extended flexible fixed rotation and angle penetration device. (unless it's in the car port under the camper shell.)
Course it would have to be behind the bricks holdin the front end up..... Nope it ain't there, I just swished all the rats outa the wire loom hangin under the oil pan I was gonna put back on the hoopdie later this year.