I have long hair, how do you (looking at spatts ) wear your hair so that it doesn't impede you or mess you up in any way while you are benching? I have tried it many different ways, just wondering what do you use? Thanks!
Actually, I leave it down. I put it up to squat because I don't want it inbetween the chalk on my back and the bar. When I bench, I just take it down. This sounds tarded but when I lay back on the bench my handler (Hannibal) knows that I will raise my head up and he pulls my hair out over the end of the bench so I'm not laying on it. There's nothing worse than not being able to raise your head because your hair's pinned under your traps. If you are going to put it up, just don't do anything down the middle. 2 braids down each side or 2 low pony tails (one down each side) shouldn't get in the way. Personally, when I'm about to bench, I don't want to be concerned with my hair, so I just let it down.
Good question. Sounds kinda cheesy to some, I'm sure, but it's actually important to someone who's in that situation.
I get annoyed with my hair period. I hate having to tie it out of the way when I cook, work out, or do just about anything. If I wasn't afraid of what bumps might be lurking on my cranium, I'd shave my head.
My hair is pretty long too. I find that if I have a really low ponytail, it works pretty good. Of course, you could always put it high on your head too, at the risk of looking like a genie