New member
6-1-2003 - Chest, Delts, Triceps, and Back
1. Incline B. Presses -
135lbs x 12, 225lbs x 12, 275lbs x 10, 310lbs x 4
2. Seated Barbell Presses -
115lbs x 12, 135lbs x 12, 155lbs x 10 (delts were spent struggled severely!!!)
3. Lying Tricep Extensions -
70lbs x 12, 90lbs x 10, 110lbs x 10, 130lbs x 7
4. Barbell Rows
135lbs x 15, 225lbs x 13, 275lbs x 8, 275lbs x 8, 275lbs x 8
5. Seated Pulley Rows -
150lbs x 12, 200lbs x 12, 250lbs x 8
6. Up Right Rows -
95lbs x 12, 115lbs x 12, 135lbs x 8
7. Barbell Shrugs -
225lbs x 15, 315lbs x 12, 405lbs x 10
- In bulking phase (always!!! - high carbs, protein, mod fat)
- hit 37 inch waist (not fat but thick and solid)
- food kept trying to come up
- 1 hour workout
- incredible pump!!!
- ate 3 meals between 5 and 8, working on seventh meal as I speak
- next training session, speed squats and other accessory work
- tomorrow is rest day, then will resume training on tuesday.
1. Incline B. Presses -
135lbs x 12, 225lbs x 12, 275lbs x 10, 310lbs x 4
2. Seated Barbell Presses -
115lbs x 12, 135lbs x 12, 155lbs x 10 (delts were spent struggled severely!!!)
3. Lying Tricep Extensions -
70lbs x 12, 90lbs x 10, 110lbs x 10, 130lbs x 7
4. Barbell Rows
135lbs x 15, 225lbs x 13, 275lbs x 8, 275lbs x 8, 275lbs x 8
5. Seated Pulley Rows -
150lbs x 12, 200lbs x 12, 250lbs x 8
6. Up Right Rows -
95lbs x 12, 115lbs x 12, 135lbs x 8
7. Barbell Shrugs -
225lbs x 15, 315lbs x 12, 405lbs x 10
- In bulking phase (always!!! - high carbs, protein, mod fat)
- hit 37 inch waist (not fat but thick and solid)
- food kept trying to come up
- 1 hour workout
- incredible pump!!!
- ate 3 meals between 5 and 8, working on seventh meal as I speak
- next training session, speed squats and other accessory work
- tomorrow is rest day, then will resume training on tuesday.