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Beginner in need of advice please!!!


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Hey i'm 22, 5'11, 175lb with a 18.2% bf. I'm interested in doing an 8-10 week cycle because I have a bootcamp training for around that period of time coming up and steroids aren't an issue. Does anyone know where I should start? What kind of PCT should I use? My body tends to be sensitive to supplements so I don't want to start with high doses. Any advice can help including what sources can I trust to buy from. Thank you!

Goals 190lb with 13% BODY FAT
I don't want to be massive and look unnatural just larger fuller muscles and much more toned. I need to heavily increase my endurance and strength.

I'm not sure where else to do research so i'm really hoping someone can help me out!
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Hey i'm 22, 5'11, 175lb with a 18.2% bf. I'm interested in doing an 8-10 week cycle because I have a bootcamp training for around that period of time coming up and steroids aren't an issue. Does anyone know where I should start? What kind of PCT should I use? My body tends to be sensitive to supplements so I don't want to start with high doses. Any advice can help including what sources can I trust to buy from. Thank you!

Goals 190lb with 13% BODY FAT
I don't want to be massive and look unnatural just larger fuller muscles and much more toned. I need to heavily increase my endurance and strength.

I'm not sure where else to do research so i'm really hoping someone can help me out!

I have a few issues here
You're a bit too young, bodyfat is too high. You have done no research. Were not here to spoon fed you. If you come up with a cycle and pct we will fine tune it but we won't just give you one..

Also this ain't a source board so don't ask that question

Sent from my HTC One S using EliteFitness
Your not spoon feeding me. This is a forum in which people exchange thoughts and ideas. Don't bother replying if your not going to be at all productive. If someone is asking for advice it would be nice to help them out boss.
omg.. he just typed in bold letters. better watch out.

what cycle would you like to run.. lay it out for us. If you can;t come up with something.. then it is like you want to be spoon fed.

I don't think you have any room to be rude. you are 5'11, 175, with almost 20% body fat. I'd advice you get up off the computer and go for a run..
omg.. he just typed in bold letters. better watch out.

what cycle would you like to run.. lay it out for us. If you can;t come up with something.. then it is like you want to be spoon fed.

I don't think you have any room to be rude. you are 5'11, 175, with almost 20% body fat. I'd advice you get up off the computer and go for a run..

Never mind. Posting to this site was a mistake. I just wanted more information but clearly people are just bored and want to talk down to others. Thanks for bashing my stats I hope you at least feel more like a man now.
Your not spoon feeding me. This is a forum in which people exchange thoughts and ideas. Don't bother replying if your not going to be at all productive. If someone is asking for advice it would be nice to help them out boss.

I gave you my thoughts.. too young, not much bodyfat and no research done yourself.. good luck fucking up your body because you didn't hear what you wanted to hear.. how immature are you.. sound like a spoilt child because you didn't get you way.. grow up

Sent from my HTC One S using EliteFitness
no.. the way you posted, and then went about responding was a mistake. You have still yet to comply with a simple request that would allow us to help you more. That was your choice. Instead you got an attitude so you received one back. Your stats are less than impressive and no where near ready for a cycle. Now how about that run? Your gonna need that cardio when it comes time for boot camp.
hey bud, here is what i would do if i was you.. first, get a personal trainer, he will show you how to train right to achieve your goal and you can also ask him about dieting. Second, you need to fix your diet, it is the most essential part of bodybuilding. i believe that the results you are looking for are very attainable natuarally with a good diet and exercise program supplemented w/ fat burners, bcaa, creatine, protein and such. you mentioned that you are sensitive to supplements utilized that sensitivity to achieve results there are a lot of good, legal, supplements that works great. don't get discouraged. all you need is a trainer to get you into a program. Good luck
Hey i'm 22, 5'11, 175lb with a 18.2% bf. I'm interested in doing an 8-10 week cycle because I have a bootcamp training for around that period of time coming up and steroids aren't an issue. Does anyone know where I should start? What kind of PCT should I use? My body tends to be sensitive to supplements so I don't want to start with high doses. Any advice can help including what sources can I trust to buy from. Thank you!

Goals 190lb with 13% BODY FAT
I don't want to be massive and look unnatural just larger fuller muscles and much more toned. I need to heavily increase my endurance and strength.

I'm not sure where else to do research so i'm really hoping someone can help me out!

Yeah mate, don't ask for sources on this forum, you'll get cyber-shouted at. If you look hard enough you'll find them, there are A LOT. The general consensus on here is to run test for 12 weeks as your first cycle. If you stack it with something and you start getting mad sides, you're not going to know what's causing the problem. So stick to either testosterone enanthate or cypionate. 300mg twice a week.

Run with Arimidex, then PCT should include Equipoise, Clomid, Nolvadex, HCGenerate and N2Guard. The most important are the first three. From what I've heard on this forum the last two are solid.

BUT you say you want a 10 week cycle before you go to bootcamp. It's important that you run PCT two weeks after a test cycle for around 4-6 weeks. If you can't do that, then don't do steroids as you'll probably lose your gains and get b*tch tits.

Also in my honest opinion, you need to get a solid base of muscle before even thinking about using juice. You want to reach your genetic potential before you even think about using. I'm 25, but pretty sure I've plateaued so taking steroids now to break the barrier. You are rather young, but it's not as if you're 17 so I wouldn't cry over you using. However, your body fat is quite high, I'd want to get that down to at least 10-12 before using, but that's just me.

If I were you, I'd just get running, do cardio, work on your endurance in the gym in preparation for bootcamp, then a couple of years down the line when you're in good shape, come back and consider whether or not you still want to use steroids.

Much love.
Yeah mate, don't ask for sources on this forum, you'll get cyber-shouted at. If you look hard enough you'll find them, there are A LOT. The general consensus on here is to run test for 12 weeks as your first cycle. If you stack it with something and you start getting mad sides, you're not going to know what's causing the problem. So stick to either testosterone enanthate or cypionate. 300mg twice a week.

Run with Arimidex, then PCT should include Equipoise, Clomid, Nolvadex, HCGenerate and N2Guard. The most important are the first three. From what I've heard on this forum the last two are solid.

BUT you say you want a 10 week cycle before you go to bootcamp. It's important that you run PCT two weeks after a test cycle for around 4-6 weeks. If you can't do that, then don't do steroids as you'll probably lose your gains and get b*tch tits.

Also in my honest opinion, you need to get a solid base of muscle before even thinking about using juice. You want to reach your genetic potential before you even think about using. I'm 25, but pretty sure I've plateaued so taking steroids now to break the barrier. You are rather young, but it's not as if you're 17 so I wouldn't cry over you using. However, your body fat is quite high, I'd want to get that down to at least 10-12 before using, but that's just me.

If I were you, I'd just get running, do cardio, work on your endurance in the gym in preparation for bootcamp, then a couple of years down the line when you're in good shape, come back and consider whether or not you still want to use steroids.

Much love.

Thank you I REALLY appreciate your feedback bro! Based on what i'm reading, it seems like it would be smart for me to reach my genetic potential before using it too. I'll still give it more thought.
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