Age: 24
Started Dec. 10 (2006) at 185lbs. 13%bf
---100 days
Ended March 20 (2007) at 203lbs. 10%-9%bf
It was PBL's-- Test P 100mg/ml, Tren Ace 100mg/ml, Masteron 100mg/ml blend (precontest 300)
ran .5ml ed-- so basically 50mg's of each ed. "one shot, one kill"
Never ran Tren prior to this and I don't think I will ever do another cycle without it. Trenbolone absolutely the best for immediate strength gains, imho. I was astonished when it started to kick in at week 3, my bench literally went up from 275x5 to 315x5 in just 3 weeks, unbelievable. I ate extremely clean (2500 cals) throughout to get the effect of the Masteron, which kept me shredded and rock hard throughout.
I really don't understand why people say Tren gives you bad anger. I was aggitated by little things somewhat more, but it was nothing I couldn't control. The worst part was having to stick myself ED for the whole time, and the spots left me pretty sore, which I got used to after a week or so.
During I ran arimidex .25ml ed
Pct is currently Nolvid 25mg ed, Clomid 50mg ed, and HCG
I've done around a dozen cycles and this by far has been my favorite all around. I'm pretty sure i'm starting the same thing in June
This is me when 2 years ago as one big carb, before I believed in dieting.vvvvvvvvvvv
This is me last summer (Aug.) at 185lbs.vvvvvvvvvvvvv
This is me a few weeks ago @200lb vvvvvvv
Party pose down--me on the left (shorter one)
broad was fienden for my buddy's cock, me on the right