Hey guys,
I am a relatively new member on the board but have been researching/lurking around this site and others for about a year now. I ran a cycle of helladrol about 6 months ago and got good gains from it... However I took a vacation out of the country for graduation and that didn't help out with the retention of gains. Dumb mistake but I have learned from it and have moved on. I am currently planning my next cycle and so far I am planning on doing a 5-6 week epistane run with dermacrine.
Epistane 30/30/45/45/45/45 (possibly 60 for the last week)
Dermacrine 3-4 pumps a day
Now my question is my friend has some extra beastdrol v2... enough for about 2 weeks of 3 pills a day. Since it takes epistane 10-14 days to kick in i was considering using the beastdrol as almost a kickstart to the cycle. Would this be an absolutely terrible idea? I know that beastdrol is usually run for 4 weeks but I was hoping to use it to get some nice early strength gains.
My stats are:
23 years old
5'9" 175 11% bf
Bench 275
Squat 365
Deadlift 455
Been lifting for 5 years
Obviously I will be using plenty of on cycle supplements: multi, fish oil, cycle support, tudca, liv52, taurine, joint supplements. Diet is decent and will be at about 4000 cals on cycle. Pct will most likely be nolva, erase, dpol, and possibly something else as well. Have arimadex on hand even though neither of these should aromatize but just in case.
I expect there will probably be differing opinions on this. Also I understand that many will say I am too young and I understand your reasoning behind that but whatever insight and advise you guys can give would be greatly appreciated.
I am a relatively new member on the board but have been researching/lurking around this site and others for about a year now. I ran a cycle of helladrol about 6 months ago and got good gains from it... However I took a vacation out of the country for graduation and that didn't help out with the retention of gains. Dumb mistake but I have learned from it and have moved on. I am currently planning my next cycle and so far I am planning on doing a 5-6 week epistane run with dermacrine.
Epistane 30/30/45/45/45/45 (possibly 60 for the last week)
Dermacrine 3-4 pumps a day
Now my question is my friend has some extra beastdrol v2... enough for about 2 weeks of 3 pills a day. Since it takes epistane 10-14 days to kick in i was considering using the beastdrol as almost a kickstart to the cycle. Would this be an absolutely terrible idea? I know that beastdrol is usually run for 4 weeks but I was hoping to use it to get some nice early strength gains.
My stats are:
23 years old
5'9" 175 11% bf
Bench 275
Squat 365
Deadlift 455
Been lifting for 5 years
Obviously I will be using plenty of on cycle supplements: multi, fish oil, cycle support, tudca, liv52, taurine, joint supplements. Diet is decent and will be at about 4000 cals on cycle. Pct will most likely be nolva, erase, dpol, and possibly something else as well. Have arimadex on hand even though neither of these should aromatize but just in case.
I expect there will probably be differing opinions on this. Also I understand that many will say I am too young and I understand your reasoning behind that but whatever insight and advise you guys can give would be greatly appreciated.