Well, not much rest time for me...gotta get back at it. My next contest will have farmers walk, atlas stones, log press, and conan's wheel.
Box Squats (no band tension)
325 x 2 x 8 sets (45 seconds rest between sets)
Farmer Holds
150's x 15 seconds
200's x 15 seconds
Rev Hypers
mini band x 6 x 2 sets
Standing Calf Raises
BW x 15 x 2 sets
Atlas Squats
320 x 3 reps
That was it for today. I don't have any sore bodyparts still from the contest but I still feel slightly achy. Back with the band tension and increasing my gym work next week.
Box Squats (no band tension)
325 x 2 x 8 sets (45 seconds rest between sets)
Farmer Holds
150's x 15 seconds
200's x 15 seconds
Rev Hypers
mini band x 6 x 2 sets
Standing Calf Raises
BW x 15 x 2 sets
Atlas Squats
320 x 3 reps
That was it for today. I don't have any sore bodyparts still from the contest but I still feel slightly achy. Back with the band tension and increasing my gym work next week.