You know what is wicked cool for fresh chutneys: an ice cube tray for big ice cubes.
Cheffy on acid again? no, it really is cool: you want that groovy fresh fruit chutney in the middle of january? me too.
Make a big ol' batch in august when the fruit is perfect and cheap, then portion it off into your big cube trays, freeze it hard, pop out the cubes and wrap them up, then into labeled plastic containers (I use gallon size, but that kind of depends on your freezer space).
Then whenever you need a portion or two of fresh fruit chutney, just pull them out of the freezer ahead of time and your in.
I do that with all sorts of pestos too, as I usually have a few mountains of fresh herbs to deal with every summer that I could never use before they go sour. Make your pesto and freeze it in cubes, same deal with stocks in the winter: reduce 'em down to glace and freeze them in icecube sizes so you dont have to make stock for months and months: every time you need, reach into the freezer, pull out a cube.