Thanks for all the welcomes!
New@: My stats... I am 6'3 1/2, currently 228. I started bodybuilding 3 years and 3 months ago. I was 144.5lbs then, and went to 215/18 naturally in that time. I am now currently in my third week of a bulking cycle with test & deca (I hope to hit 240!). I would estimate my body fat to be about 10%. My goals? I would love to get to about 275-280 within a couple of years. I am also interested in competeting in the next 1-2 years.
I used to want to be a model, but places wanted me to stay in the 190-200 range! BUT I LOVE bodybuilding, and no way was I gonna become one of those 'abdoer' guys for life! So, I am going at it with all I got. I would like to compete as a hobby, and perhaps do some fitness modeling in the future. But I would never let someone tell me when to stop, or where I 'should' be
and Temple, Thanks
I love woman who are into bodybuilding. I got my fiance started, and she fell in love with it. I am soooo proud too. I try to preach the word to people, but nobody seems to listen
I guess Jenny Craig, slim fast, and those HORRIBLE ads in 'cosmo' about getting 'toned' with 100 reps and a soup can really do sink into the general publics mind. I think all that shit should be sent to hell! Not to mention the unhealthy images that mags put out about what a woman, and even men these days should look like. Hopefully one day it will all change. Until then it seems every guy wants a 'body' like the guys in nsync or brad pitt, and all the girls want a 'body' like the latest starved victim in cosmo.