You got that shit right Zyg! My ex gets me for $260 a week. I wish that bitch would find some rich man to take care of her, or better yet a rich girl to take care of me!
You got that shit right Zyg! My ex gets me for $260 a week. I wish that bitch would find some rich man to take care of her, or better yet a rich girl to take care of me!
Playa on playas, all I got to say is I am with Zyg, fuck that. All girls want is to robb you for you loot and kick yo sorry ass to the cirb. I am going to have me a sugar momma.
Ive found this out having been "off" for a while and since
I lost the muscle Im getting much more sex, so whats the
point of all the effort, and dont give me that horseshit like
"I do it for me" Fuck Ill keep my hair, health and get more
if you are looking into getting simsply alot of women then yes athletic look is the way to go, AVERAGE chicks love that, if you are looking to bring home the TROPHY (chicks that look nothing short of perfection) then you better gain some size and lean out to show it
By nature we (men/ women) are socially 'homeostatic',
We like stability, familiarity, and consistancy because it's safe.
We often are attracted to someone who is 'like' us in many dynamics other than physical-appeal. It gives us security.
Fat guy has a hot chic? Observe their social dynamic...I bet they're inseperable and compliment each other.
Reducing this topic to just looks is robbing us of the answer...
Much like the guys have said, get priorities straight...because you guys are asking more than one question on two different topics...