Would AAS be recommended if say I am dealing with a torn muscle in the bicep? Would taking say TEST help with muscle regeneration during my rehab or would it be a waste ?
Test and other AAS aren't really going to help with repair, however there are sarms stacks that can aid healing. You can check out some of them at https://www.esarms.com
no, not even close... mk2866, mk677 and lgd4033 are all sarms that provide real healing benefits for you but steroids will not be the answer whatsoever... you can get everything you need at esarms.com
None of the above. If the bicep tendon is torn then all the drugs in the world wont make tendon miraculously reappear. Now if it's been surgically fixed (sewn, reattached and wired to the bone) then rehab, time and any GH enhancing product (inc HGH) will improve the healing.
Would AAS be recommended if say I am dealing with a torn muscle in the bicep? Would taking say TEST help with muscle regeneration during my rehab or would it be a waste ?