I agree with everything that's been said here. Especially the part about getting a trainer if you can. I did my first show without a trainer nearby (for lots of reasons, ranging from plain pig-headedness to logistical problems), and although I was getting lots of e-mail advice (for which I will be eternally grateful) nothing could have prepared me for how hard it was going to be. Doing it all yourself is just mind-numbingly exhausting, and you'll be enough of a bitch to be with as it is.
A trainer will be able to tell you objectively where you are, KEEP YOU ON TRACK, push you in the gym, and will also be able to handle the small stuff that takes so much time if you don't know what you're doing, and believe me, there is a lot of that small stuff!
I don't regret my decision not to find a trainer, because I believe the hard lessons I learned in preparing for that show will be with me for the rest of my life, and I found depths of strength in me that I have never had the opportunity to plumb before (this part was incredible) ... but having someone else push me through workouts when all I wanted to do was just give up and weep would have been much much much easier. Tap into their energy, kind of ... (And it would have been nice to have been leaner on the day, but whatever).
Anyway - I wish you both luck - competing is a thrill you just can't explain in words. For me it was worth multiples of the pain I went through - oh, what a high!