Awww Ilk

thanks sweets
Yeah think on it for sure especially if S is doing more preps etc can be like a dynamic duo. A lot of woman can do there own hair or makeup but would rather not as they have enough to worry about and that is where you can come in. Buy yourself one of those Jan Tan spray tan systems and your so in business to do tans as well.
I had lifted weights since I was 14 or so there was a part of our freshman gym class on weight training. I really liked it right away but didn’t get serious tell I was about 23 or so and all partied out. I read Bill Phillips body for life and that gave me the bug. I trained with a friend for a while that was into power lifting he helped me pack on a lot of muscle and get stronger then I would have ever thought possible. I also packed on some fat too so thought it was a good idea to set a goal for cutting down and a figure competition just made sense.
How did you first find Elite?