What if any are your fears about relocation to the U.S.? Any talk about 'bells' and 'white gowns' and cute little kids pulling on your pants leg as you prepare dinner?
Atlanta looks like an awesome city. I'm coming to visit....HH is picking me up in a limo! If you miss the Queen, I'll send you some Canadian Money so you can look at her
I'm looking forward to, ummmmm, hmmmmmm! My lunch. Grilled Chicken and Avacado. Then looking forward to getting home and taking these high heels off ;-)
Chicken and Avo... NICE! I'm also having chicken today... YUMMY for my TUMMY! Atlanta is lovely... One of the nicest places I've been to, People are so friendly here.... Everyone is happy, Its nice to be surrounded by people like that...
Afraid??? Nah.. Nothing to be afraid of,
Its a big change, I love it..... I thought it might be, But as time gets closer its more like... BRING IT ON HONEY!
What if any are your fears about relocation to the U.S.? Any talk about 'bells' and 'white gowns' and cute little kids pulling on your pants leg as you prepare dinner?
LOL!!! Dunno yet... White gowns.... Bit late for white... maybe beige...
I actually don't have fears about moving.... I just want the visa thing to happen asap... thats about it.... No fears as such... I just wanna be over there with him now...